Victorian Tea Party
This Week!
Sunday, May 4th is the Victorian Tea
Party at 1pm. Sign up in the foyer. This is a fundraiser for the Pathfinder
Club. If you can’t attend, you can still purchase a ticket and make a donation.
Day Breakfast
Work Bee Pictures
We had a great turn out for the work bee. Thank you for
your support! Many hands helped finish the work quickly. Check out the pics on Facebook
or on Flckr.
Increasing our
Facebook Reach
As you know we have a Facebook page. This page is for
our members and hopefully for people who are not yet members or even not yet
Christian. We could use your help increasing our reach.The algorithm Facebook uses to determine what posts are shown is complicated. Most of us have liked more pages and have more friends than Facebook thinks we will go through in a day on our newsfeed. So they have to limit how many posts they show each user. How to determine which posts to show is the question. The method can be summed up with the more people who interact with a post (like, comment, share) the more it will be shown to other people. Comments and shares are worth more than a simple like - but all interactions help the post be more popular and hence shown to more people. This article does a pretty good job explaining the process if you care for a bit more detail - Read more here
Now we are to the part where you can help. We would encourage you to interact with the posts on the Downey Church facebook page. We understand that no one will click on every single post. But if you can be intentional about liking and commenting (and maybe an occasional share to your wall) that will help us increase our reach quite a bit. That might even lead to additional souls in the Kingdom - who knows.
Thank you for your consideration regarding this.
On May 3rd, we will start a new
sermon series call Who Are We. The first sermon is called God.
We will start our sermon series on the fundamental belief that there is a God
that is all powerful with a character that is centered around love. There is no
greater understanding that shapes us more than knowing that we truly have a God
that is intimately active in our lives.
Dates to Remember
May 3 - Pathfinders / Adventurers @ 3pmMay 4 - Women’s Tea @ 1pm
May 10 - Mother’s Day Breakfast 8:30 to 9:15am
May 11 - Mother’s Day
May 17 - Pathfinders @ 3pm
May 18 - Pathfinders @ 9am
May 24 - Youth to Griffith Park
May 26 - Memorial Day - Office Closed
May 31 - SGA Chorale