Thursday, April 21, 2016

April 23, 2016

Downey Adventist Church 
April 23, 2016
10:50 AM

Welcome & Prayer......Evan Aumack
Hymnal #834

Praise Music................Downey Praise Band

Intercessory Prayer .....Alex Chavez

Children's Message .....Dylan Joseph

Hymn #92
This is My Father's World

Message......................Cary Fisher
With Your Eyes Open

Invitation to Give..........Bill Aumack
Conference Advance

Benediction..................Cary Fisher
Postlude.......................Chris Martin

Welcome to the Downey Adventist Church!

We welcome everyone to worship today. Let us all love and accept one another, just as Christ unconditionally loves and accepts us.

This Morning the message is With Your Eyes Open. We have a powerful God that is with us at all times, and therefore, we can pray to Him at all times. The Bible says, "Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God" (Philippians 4:6). Our message will encourage us to live a life in continuous prayer.

Next Week the message is God's Rest for His People. Paul of the New Testament wrote, "for somewhere he has spoken about the seventh day in these words: "On the seventh day God rested from all his works" (Hebrews 4:4). The Sabbath is certainly not just for the people of Israel as it was something for Christians to experience as well. This Sabbath, we will be reminded of the blessings that God has for us as we rest in Him.

Our Abundant Giving project for April is Adventist Union School. AUS has a wonderful field and playground for the children. We are going to help raise money for bark for the playground. Our goal for the month is $2000. There are 5 weeks in April, so that's only $400 a week. If we can raise more than that, that would be awesome. To cover all the needed areas of the playground we would need to raise at least double that amount.
Let's help AUS keep the children safe on the playground.
Total Raised: $1100

The Pathfinders raised $770 at the Pathfinder Fair selling snow cones! Great job Pathfinders (and parents who helped)!

The message on May 7 is Mother's Love. The closest comparison of God's love for us may be compared to a mother's love for her child. The prophet Isaiah  writes, "as one whom his mother comforts, so I will comfort you (Isaiah 66:13).  For this Sabbath, we will honor our mothers who have shown us what it means to be loved and to be cared for throughout our lives.

Upcoming Events
May 7 - Mother's Day Sabbath & Breakfast 8am
May 7 - Pathfinders @ 2pm
May 8 - NO Pathfinders
May 8 - Mother's Day
May 19 - Church Board @ 7pm
May 21 - LSU Roots leads Worship
May 21 - Pathfinders @ 2pm
May 30 - Memorial Day

San Gabriel Academy's Alumni Homecoming Weekend will be held on April 23-24. Check out their website for more info

Youth Baptismal Studies are underway.  If  know a High School aged student who would like to join the studies, please see Bill.

The flowers today are for Rick's birthday from Kelly, Ricky and Mimi.

In Our Prayers

Joanne Brown: Ethyl's daughter's mother-in-law, Joanne, passed away. Please pray for comfort for the family.
Susie Nava Ramirez: Pilar Sr.'s niece is in a coma. Please pray for healing.
Chloe Sather: Lourdes' friend is going into surgery soon and she requests prayers that everything goes smoothly.
Ofelia: Flor's aunt is recovering from surgery. Pray for healing.
Alfonso Hoffman: Mike Garcia's 11 year old nephew was just
diagnosed with lymphoma. Remember him in prayer as he goes through treatments.
Sergio Garcia: He is recovering from another back surgery. Please pray for healing.
Johnny Macias: Please pray the infection in his leg will be healed.
Ava Meade: She requests prayer for healing from cancer.
Yolanda Ortegon: She requests prayer for healing and mobility.

Church Calendar

TODAY - Apr. 23
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Cary Fisher
  7:00p Wed Fellowship: Millennium and the End of Sin #27
FRIDAY - Apr. 29
  7:00p Band Practice
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Cary Fisher

This Week
Team Leader: Flor Munguia
Team: Orlando & Zelina Archila, Vic Acuna
Greeter: Rick & Kelly Gonzalez

Next Week
Team Leader: Eloy Luna
Team: Byron Molina, Erlinda Garcia, Pilar Centeno, Sr
Greeter: Lourdes Centeno-Ortega

Sabbath Ends this week: 7:29
Sabbath Begins next week: 7:34

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