Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 26, 2015

Downey Adventist Church 
September 26, 2015
10:50 AM

Welcome & Prayer.......Gustavo & Lourdes Ortega
Hymnal #768

Praise Music................Downey Praise Band

Intercessory Prayer......Rick Gonzalez

Children's Story............Annie Mendez


Hymn #214
We Have This Hope

Message.......................Cary Fisher
To the Ends of the Earth

Invitation to Give............Bill Aumack
Conference Advance

Benediction....................Cary Fisher
Postlude.........................Chris Martin

Welcome to the Downey Adventist Church!

The psalmist declared that "All the families of the nations shall worship before [God]" (Psalm 22:27, NRSV). We welcome you to our congregational worship, as well as to the worship offered by the worldwide church.

This Morning the message is To the Ends of the Earth. This Sabbath will be a special reflection on the missionary work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  As Luke wrote, "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth'" (Acts 13:47), God has called our church and each of us to share his love with others.

Next Week is Communion. For this Sabbath, we will participate in the Lord's Supper.  This is always a special moment for our church as we contemplate the incredible sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It's a time that we can recommit our lives to the amazing love that God has for us.

Yard Sale: Our next Yard Sale is 3 weeks away on Oct. 18. We will be raising money for our new Sprinkler System. Please donate your usable items AND come out on the 18th to acquire some amazing, pre-loved treasures.  Thank you for your support!

Our small groups will be starting up again on Oct. 10th. The theme for our Fall study is Faith and Finance.
Please sign up for a group in the foyer. It's not too late if you want to host a group, talk to Pastor Cary or Bill.

October 10 our Small Group series begins with the message Why Money Management is ImportantOn this Sabbath, we are starting a new small group series called Faith and Finance, and in the first sermon of the series, we will study how often money is brought up in scripture.  We know that finances are such an important part of our lives, but how do we relate to money as Christians?

Bulletin: Did you notice that the bulletin is now available in our app? Check it out and let us know how well it works on your device.
If you need the app, it's available on Google Play (Android) and the App Store (Apple). Search for "Downey Church" to find our free app.

Upcoming Events
Sep. 26 - International Day/Fellowship Luncheon
Oct. 3 - Communion
Oct. 10 - Small Groups begin
Oct. 18 - Yard Sale
Oct. 24 - Fall Party at 5:30pm

Did you know that you can listen or watch sermons from our website at Audio sermons are also available on iTunes.

Abundant Giving
Our first project is $10,000 for a new sprinkler system.
Amount raised so far: $1406
Mark your donations for the "Building Fund." Thanks!

The flowers today are from the Aumacks. Happy Sabbath!

In Our Prayers
Ray Fernandez: Ray is requesting prayer for persistent health issues.
Jim Aumack: Bill’s Uncle had  another seizure. Please remember him in prayer.
Isaac Jondiko: Tom J.’s father is ill in Kenya. Remember them in prayer.
Johnny Macias: He is recovering from surgery on his leg. Please pray the infection will be healed.
Sara & Sam Rivas: Their father has been given a few months to live due to cancer. Please remember the family in prayer.
Esperanza Nunez: Karen’s grandma is in the hospital after several strokes. Pray for healing.
Ava Meade: She requests prayer for healing from cancer.
Sergio Garcia: Remember Sergio as he recovers from major back surgery.
Yolanda Ortegon: She requests prayer for healing and help with balance.

Church Calendar

TODAY - Sep 26
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Cary Fisher
        International Sabbath
12:30p Fellowship Luncheon
  7:00p Wednesday Fellowship
FRIDAY - Oct 2
  7:00p Band Practice
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Cary Fisher

This Week
Team Leader: Gustavo Ortega
Team: Byron Molina, Erlinda Garcia, Pilar Centeno, Sr
Greeter:  Rick & Kelly Gonzalez

Next Week
Team Leader: Eloy Luna
Team: Jr. Deacons
Greeter:  Pilar Centeno, Sr.

Sabbath Ends this week:      6:44
Sabbath Begins next week: 6:34

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Friday, September 18, 2015

September 19, 2015

Downey Adventist Church 

September 19, 2015
10:50 AM

Welcome & Prayer.......Mark and Yvonne Pond
Hymnal #732

Praise Music................Downey Praise Band

Intercessory Prayer......Alberto Melenciano

Children's Story............Kelly Gonzalez

Special Music...............Elora and David

Message.......................Bill Aumack
The Selfish Prayer

Invitation to Give...........Alex Chavez
Church Budget

Benediction...................Cary Fisher
Postlude........................Chris Martin

Welcome to the Downey Adventist Church!

Brothers and sisters in Jesus, welcome to this time set aside to focus on the Holy Spirit working among us. May our hearts be open and eager to receive God's Word!

This Morning the message is The Selfish Prayer by Bill Aumack. Sometimes our prayers become very self-centered. We'll look at a very selfish prayer in the Bible and see what lessons can be learned and applied to our prayer life.

Next Week the message is To the Ends of the Earth. This Sabbath will be a special reflection on the missionary work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  As Luke wrote, "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth'" (Acts 13:47), God has called our church and each of us to share his love with others.

Please sign up top bring some food for the International Luncheon next week. Thank you!

Our small groups will be starting up again on Oct. 10th. The theme for our Fall study is Faith and Finance.
We are looking for Small Group Leaders and Host Homes. If you are interested, or may be interested, please talk to Pastor Cary or Bill Aumack.

Bulletin: Did you notice that the bulletin is now available in our app? Check it out and let us know how well it works on your device.
If you need the app, it's available on Google Play (Android) and the App Store (Apple). Search for "Downey Church" to find our free app.

Communion is October 3rd. For this Sabbath, we will participate in the Lord's Supper.  This is always a special moment for our church as we contemplate the incredible sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross. It's a time that we can recommit our lives to the amazing love that God has for us.

International Day is next week. Be thinking about your heritage and some food and an outfit to wear. See the enclosed attachment.

Upcoming Events
Sep. 26 - International Day/Fellowship Luncheon
Oct. 3 - Communion
Oct. 10 - Small Groups begin
Oct. 24 - Fall Party at 5:30pm

Did you know that you can listen or watch sermons from our website at Audio sermons are also available on iTunes.

Abundant Giving
Our first project is $10,000 for a new sprinkler system.
Amount raised so far: $1216
Mark your donations for the "Building Fund." Thanks!

The flowers today are for Hector's birthday from the Archilas.

In Our Prayers

Ray Fernandez: Ray is requesting prayer for persistent health issues.
Jim Aumack: Bill's Uncle had  another seizure. Please remember him in prayer.
Isaac Jondiko: Tom J.'s father is ill in Kenya. Remember them in prayer.
Johnny Macias: He is recovering from surgery on his leg. Please pray the infection will be healed.
Sara & Sam Rivas: Their father has been given a few months to live due to cancer. Please remember the family in prayer.
Esperanza Nunez: Karen's grandma is in the hospital after
several strokes. Pray for healing.
Ava Meade: She requests prayer for healing from cancer.
Sergio Garcia: Remember Sergio as he recovers from major back surgery.
Yolanda Ortegon: She requests prayer for healing and help with balance.

Church Calendar

TODAY - Sep 19
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Bill Aumack
  7:00p Wednesday Fellowship
FRIDAY - Sep 25
  7:00p Band Practice
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Cary Fisher
        International Sabbath
12:30p Fellowship Luncheon

This Week
Team Leader: Tomas Aispuro
Team:  Orlando & Zelina Archila, Vic Acuna
Greeter:  Phillip Mondragon

Next Week
Team Leader: Gustavo Ortega
Team:  Byron Molina, Erlinda Garcia, Pilar Centeno, Sr
Greeter:  Rick & Kelly Gonzalez

Sabbath Ends this week: 6:54
Sabbath Begins next week:  6:44

click to make attachments bigger

Thursday, September 10, 2015

September 12, 2015

Downey Adventist Church 
September 12, 2015
10:50 AM

Welcome & Prayer.......Evan Aumack
Hymnal #714

Praise Music................Downey Praise Band

Intercessory Prayer......Yvonne Pond

Children's Story............Celene Aispuro

Hymn # 478
Sweet Hour of Prayer

Message......................Cary Fisher
Who is in Charge?

Invitation to Give..........Rick Gonzalez
World Budget

Benediction..................Cary Fisher
Postlude.......................Chris Martin

Welcome to the Downey Adventist Church!

Welcome to worship and fellowship in the house of the Lord! Please take a moment to greet those sitting near you -- longtime friends and new ones.

This Morning the message is Who is in Charge?  The Bible reveals that Christ has authority over all things as the Bible says, "he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy" (Colossians 1:18).  With all that being said, have you allowed Christ to be the authority of your life?

Next Week the message is The Selfish Prayer by Bill Aumack. Sometimes our prayers become very self-centered. We'll look at a very selfish prayer in the Bible and see what lessons can be learned and applied to our prayer life.

The Pathfinders are on their campout this weekend. Pray for safety for them this weekend.

Bulletin: Did you notice that the bulletin is now available in our app? Check it out and let us know how well it works on your device.
If you need the app, it's available on Google Play (Android) and the App Store (Apple).  Search for "Downey Church" to find our free app.

Our small groups will be starting up again on Oct. 10th. The theme for our Fall study is Faith and Finance.
We are looking for Small Group Leaders and Host Homes. If you are interested, or may be interested, please talk to Pastor Cary or Bill Aumack.

International Day is coming Sept. 26. Be thinking about your heritage and some food and an outfit to wear. See the enclosed attachment.

The message on Sept. 26th  is To the Ends of the Earth. This Sabbath will be a special reflection on the missionary work of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.  As Luke wrote, "For this is what the Lord has commanded us: 'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth'" (Acts 13:47), God has called our church and each of us to share his love with others.

Upcoming Events
Sept. 11-13 - Pathfinder Campout
Sept 12 - Downey Outreach Team
Sep. 26 - International Day/Fellowship Luncheon
Oct. 3 - Communion
Oct. 10 - Small Groups begin

The Downey Outreach Team is meeting today at 1 pm in the room next to the fellowship hall.

Abundant Giving
Our first project is $10,000 for a new sprinkler system.
Amount raised so far: $786
Mark your donations for the "Building Fund." Thanks!

The flowers today are from Tomas and Hatzuko for Enoch and Kean's birthdays.

In Our Prayers

Ray Fernandez: Ray is requesting prayer for persistent health issues.
Jim Aumack: Bill's Uncle had a seizure and is back in the hospital, please remember him in prayer.
Isaac Jondiko: Tom J.'s father is ill in Kenya. Remember them in prayer.
Johnny Macias: He is recovering from surgery on his leg. Please pray the infection will be healed.
Sara & Sam Rivas: Their father has been given a few months to live due to cancer. Please remember the family in prayer.
Esperanza Nunez: Karen's grandma is in the hospital after
several strokes. Pray for healing.
Ava Meade: She requests prayer for healing from cancer.
Sergio Garcia: Remember Sergio as he recovers from major back surgery.
Yolanda Ortegon: She requests prayer for healing and help with balance.

Church Calendar

TODAY - Sep 12
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Cary Fisher
12:30p Downey Outreach Team Community Services Room
  7:00p Wednesday Fellowship
FRIDAY - Sep 18
  7:00p Band Practice
  9:30a Sabbath School
10:50a Worship Service, Bill Aumack

This Week
Team Leader: Flor Munguia
Team:Rick & Kelly Gonzalez, Myrna Cuyuch
Greeter: Frances Menendez

Next Week
Team Leader: Tomas Aispuro
Team:Orlando & Zelina Archila, Vic Acuna
Greeter: Phillip Mondragon

Sabbath Ends this week: 7:03
Sabbath Begins next week: 6:54

Thursday, September 3, 2015

September 5, 2015

Downey Adventist Church 
September 5, 2015
10:50 AM

Welcome & Prayer.....Eloy & Laura Luna 
Hymnal #769

Praise Music...............Downey Praise Band

Intercessory Prayer....Edwin Morales

Children's Story..........Annie Mendez

Hymn # 537
He Leadth Me

Message.....................Cary Fisher
The Rest of Our Lives

Invitation to Give........Bill Aumack
Church Budget

Benediction.................Cary Fisher

Postlude......................Chris Martin

Welcome to the Downey Adventist Church!

Welcome to worship on this Labor Day weekend, as we celebrate all work -- paid and unpaid -- that's done for the glory of God and the service of others.

This Morning the message is The Rest of Our Lives. As we celebrate Labor Day weekend, this Sabbath's message will be on how to truly have a rest that can only be given by God. "There remains, then, a Sabbath-rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his" (Hebrews 4: 9,10).

Next Week the message is Who is in Charge?  The Bible reveals that Christ has authority over all things as the Bible says, "he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy"  (Colossians 1:18).  With all that being said, have you allowed Christ to be the authority of your life?

It's Labor Day weekend. Enjoy your long weekend. Remember the office is closed on Monday.

Our small groups will be starting up again on Oct. 10th. The theme for our Fall study is Faith and Finance. We are looking for Small Group Leaders and Host Homes. If you are interested, or may be interested, please talk to Pastor Cary or Bill Aumack.

Bulletin: Did you notice that the bulletin is now available in our app? Check it out and let us know how well it works on your device. If you need the app, it's available on Google Play (Android) and the App Store (Apple).  Search for "Downey Church" to find our free app.

The message on Sept. 19th is The Selfish Prayer by Bill Aumack. Sometimes our prayers become very self-centered. We'll look at a very selfish prayer in the Bible and see what lessons can be learned and applied to our prayer life.

International Day is coming Sept. 26. Be thinking about your heritage and some food and an outfit to wear. See the enclosed attachment.

Upcoming Events
Sept. 7 - Labor Day. Office Closed
Sept. 11-13 - Pathfinder Campout
Sept 12 - Downey Outreach Team
Sep. 26 - International Day/Fellowship Luncheon
Oct. 3 - Communion

The Downey Outreach Team is meeting next Sabbath at 1 pm in the room next to the fellowship hall

Abundant Giving Our first project is $10,000 for a new sprinkler system.
Amount raised so far: $495
Mark your donations for the "Building Fund." Thanks!

The flowers today are for Elora's birthday from her family.

In Our Prayers
Isaac Jondiko: Tom J.'s father is ill in Kenya. Remember them in prayer.
Johnny Macias: He is recovering from surgery on his leg. Please pray the infection will be healed.
Sara & Sam Rivas: Their father has been given a few months to live due to cancer. Please remember the family in prayer.
Esperanza Nunez: Karen's grandma is in the hospital after
several strokes. Pray for healing.
Ava Meade: She requests prayer for healing from cancer.
Jim Aumack: Bill's Uncle is recovering from a stroke and improving. Please pray for healing.
Marilyn Hahn: Linda B.'s friend was diagnosed with colon and lung cancer and is getting chemo. 
Sergio Garcia: Remember Sergio as he recovers from major back surgery.
Yolanda Ortegon: She requests prayer for healing and help with balance.

Church Calendar
TODAY - Sep 5
  9:30a   Sabbath School
10:50a   Worship Service, Cary Fisher
MONDAY - Sep 7
              Labor Day - Office Closed
  7:00p   Wednesday Fellowship
FRIDAY - Sep 11
  7:00p   Band Practice
  9:30a   Sabbath School
10:50a   Worship Service, Cary Fisher
 12:30p  Downey Outreach Team
              Community Services Room

This Week Team Leader: Eloy Luna
Team: Jr. Deacons
Greeter: Pilar Centeno, Sr.

Next Week Team Leader: Flor Munguia
Team: Rick  & Kelly Gonzalez, Myrna Cuyuch
Greeter: Frances Menendez

Sabbath Ends this week: 7:13
Sabbath Begins next week: 7:03

(tap the notes and insert(s) to make them larger)
Sermon Notes
